WFD Provider Forums
WFD Provider Forums
The Workforce Development Provider Forum is a collaborative effort, hosted by the Arizona Workforce Development Alliance (ACC, ACC-RBHA). The purpose of this forum is to provide policy updates, share best practices and offer valuable resources to the Arizona Healthcare network.
Providers should designate 1 person (at minimum) to attend the monthly WFD Provider Forum to receive up-to-date information on ACC, ACC-RBHA workforce development related topics, including: WFD initiatives, professional development, training and up-skilling, Relias learning updates, and opportunities to ask questions.
If you are unable to attend this month, or would like to review or share the information with your team following the Provider Forum, you can find the recorded session and additional information posted below within a week of each live event.
Provider Forum Archives
Resources for the current month will be posted within 1 week of each forum.
(Sometimes sooner!)